Love your Liver, Live Longer - SPARSH Hospital

Love your Liver, Live Longer

Price: 2999
Gender: Male and Female
Location: All SPARSH Hospitals

Love your Liver, Live Longer

Love your Liver, Live Longer

Experiencing the following Symptoms?

  • Loss of Weight
  • Indigestion
  • Obesity ,Yellow Colouration of the Eyes
  • Vomitting ,Patients with History of Hepatitis B & C ,Fatty Liver
  • Alcohol related Liver Disease

Get a Comprehensive Liver Screening – Rs. 2999/-

Validity: Till November 30th, 2023

SPARSH HOSPITAL – Infantry Road.

Package Includes:
  • Liver Function Test (LFT)
  • Random Blood Sugar (RBS)
  • Hemogram
  • HBsAg
  • Anti HCV Antibodies
  • Lipid Profile
  • Medical Gastroenterologist Consultation
Book Package

Love your Liver, Live Longer

SPARSH Health Packages

Unlock the door to exceptional healthcare, book an appointment with SPARSH Hospital and let your journey to wellness begin.